Sunday, June 16, 2013

This week begins our journey with One Thousand Gifts. I find it amazing just how much it has already changed the way I look at the world when I awake and start my day. My eyes are open in a different light, and I continually imagine my "hands wide open". Open to receive what he freely gives, open to receive in thanksgiving. 

First Session: Attitude of Gratitude
Our first meeting was remarkable. I can't imagine how they will continue to get even better, but somehow I anticipate just that.......more Joy, more Grace, More Eucharisteo, more thanksgiving.

We were all ask to write down five gifts that we felt we were blessed with that day. Below is a list of gifts, each is a gift that was shared from one of our members:

Grandchildren they are such a joy 
My Mother, she's my best friend
My Church Family I don't know what I would do without them
The gift of life itself
The ability to get up every morning
The safety given to my children
The song of birds singing to me when I wake in the morning, giving me strength to go
For my new roommate that makes me feel young
For sobriety
My new Prius and the gas it saves me!
For the willingness my daughter has to give to the Lord's house 
A house full of friends

In session one we are ask to begin our Gratitude Journal. We are ask to write down at least 10 gifts a day that God so freely has given to each of us. It doesn't have to be poetic or have deep meaning. It can be simple stated, simply meant for nothing more than gratitude.....a hot steaming cup of coffee. A simple gift but a delicious one!

Please ask yourself to reflect and write down moments from the the topics below. This part of the journal is for you and you alone, only meant to share if you feel compelled.

Wounded Moments that closed our hands to Grace

Moments of his abounding Grace

Eucharisteo Moments of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving that preceded the Miracle

When your eyes were on God and truly open in thanks

Verses Given for our reading:
Matthew 26 26-29
John 11 38-44
2 Chronicles 20 12-22
Philippians 4 11-12

Things to Think Upon and Pray for in the days to follow:

Thank God for the good gifts he has given

Invite God to teach you how to have eucharisteo (thanksgiving) in the hard times of life

Confess where you have forgotten to be thankful for God's unmerited gifts

Ask Jesus to so fill you with His joy and grace that others see it and are drawn near to Him

Pray for your family members and friends to discover the truth that grace thanksgiving and joy can be theirs through an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Prayer without ceasing is only possible in a life of continual thanks

Look for opportunities to share some of the gifts on your list with other in the coming week. And ask them what gifts God has placed in their lives

The brave who focus on all things good and all things beautiful and all things true, even in the small who give thanks for it and discover joy even in the here and now they are the change agents who bring fullest Light to all the world

Create personal timelines for up to three moments of loss, pain, and struggle in your life. Note how each situation impacted your past and has influenced your present.

When we lay the soil of our hard lives open to the rain of grace and let joy penetrate our cracked and dry places, let joy soak into our broken skin and deep cervices, life grows


By God's hand and kindness we all people who have revealed lives of eucharisteo, grace, thanksgiving, and joy. 

Reflect on your journey of faith by listing a few people past or present who have been models and mentors when it comes to living like Jesus

Next pause to thank God for the examples these people have shown you and reflect on how you can internalize their example and let it continue to shape your faith and life.
Finally, during the next week, send an email or handwritten thank-you note to one or two of these people. Let them know some of the ways you have seen their example of walking in grace, thanksgiving and joy. Thank them for walking closely with God and being an example of eucharisteo.

Before we meet for our next session, please take some time and ask yourself these questions, please be prepared to share any of your journey that you would like.

How you are doing when it comes to experiencing the grace in your life.

How you are doing when it comes to expressing thankfulness to God and to others

How you might grow in your expressions of thankfulness and joy 

What steps you might take to live a life filled with a spirit of eucharisteo.